72nd Annual General Meeting of GICEA

Respected Members,

We are sending ZOOM meeting link to join 72nd Annual General Meeting of GICEA to be held on 8th November 2020 at 11AM. Please follow instructions as given below :


1: Please join at least 5 minutes before schedule time by cpcking pnk sent to you.

2: Everyone must keep video in ON mode. Your name must be displayed on your gadget. These are must for marking your presence in the meeting. Anyone Without name and video recognition will not be registered as present.

2/A: There is one chat box in ZOOM. Member must post his/her name and membership number in chat box for attendance.

3: All office bearers will be conducting meeting from Gajjar Hall. During meeting if anyone(member of GICEA) wants to say or put any remarks must “raise hand” in ZOOM meeting. His/her mic will be set on unmute mode for fix allotted time.

4: This is virtual meeting so everyone will be using own personal internet data from different providers. If there is any internet connectivity issue member is requested to check his/her internet connection properly.

GICEA - 72nd AGM

Time: Nov 8, 2020 11:00 AM India

Join Zoom Meeting

Link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89615086581?pwd=bER3Mm9YYUNvWFZpcDlGMGtKaVVUdz09

Meeting ID: 896 1508 6581

Passcode: 08112020

The Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers & Architects,

Nirman Bhavan, Opp. Law Garden, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad.

Tele: +91 79 26565935, +91 79 26430213


Email: info@gicea.org